Whether you are considering cosmetic dentistry, or you are just curious to know a little more about how teeth whitening works, you are in the right place. In fact, in this short article, we will discuss the basics of how teeth whitening works and we will help you understand everything you need to know about this procedure.
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How do whitening products for teeth whitening work?
There are a lot of different professional teeth whitening products but they all use the same basic ingredients: peroxides. Peroxides, such as hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, contain very volatile oxygen molecules and are the basis for teeth whitening. When these oxygen molecules touch the surface stains on the teeth, they react by breaking the chemical bonds that hold the stains on the enamel. This “blows” them away and restores the shimmery look of your smile. Each professional teeth whitening product uses hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as an active whitening ingredient. However, there are other ingredients that are often used in conjunction with peroxides, such as fluoride. Adding fluoride to a teeth whitener helps prevent teeth from weakening in the process and also reduces the risk of tooth sensitivity after teeth whitening.

Do DIY teeth whitening kits use the same ingredients as professional whitening products?
The answer is yes. Most DIY whitening kits contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as an active ingredient, however, that doesn’t mean they are as effective as professional whitening products.

Most teeth whitening kits have a relatively low level of peroxide, as this ensures that you won’t over-whiten your teeth and damage them. This is a good thing, of course, but it means you may be spending a lot of time whitening your teeth and your results may not be as good as a professional whitening treatment. Additionally, some whitening kits sold online contain very high peroxide levels, which could risk your oral health. High levels of peroxide whitener mean it is more likely to accidentally damage your teeth by bleaching them excessively. This can lead to a weakening of the enamel or even white spots on the enamel or a translucent appearance.
Professional teeth whitening is the best way to restructure your smile
If you want to get the best results, professional teeth whitening is the ideal choice.
Tooth discoloration is indeed a widespread problem.
The over-the-counter whitening products that you can use at home have very low concentrations of whitening ingredients for safety reasons, but this does not mean that many do not abuse them. This is the main reason why the teeth whitening industry was not regulated until just a few years ago. As a result, huge numbers of people have suffered chemical burns and damage to their teeth and gums from unregulated practitioners operating in salons or beauty centers.
While it may seem cheaper and more convenient to use over-the-counter teeth whitening products, it may be more expensive in the long run than going to the dentist. The main problem with these home treatments is that the containers used with the gel solutions do not fit properly and dental whitening strips are difficult to place and wear. It can be much easier and faster to simply forgo these treatments and undergo an in-office whitening treatment under the supervision of an experienced dentist for accurate, high-quality results.
The advantages of professional dental whitening treatments
When you talk to someone who has tried professional in-office treatments from a dentist, they will surely tell you that the results are far better than any treatment they could do on their own.

Under the supervision of your dentist, you will get a safer, more effective, and much faster whitening treatment than any do-it-yourself option. Usually, within two weeks of professional treatment, you’ll get the results you want with minimal effort, especially if your dentist combines bleaching agents with laser equipment, as this will stimulate the peroxide molecules for faster results on the whitening treatment.